Chipotle Fatty Biltong

Regular price $60.00

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Chipotle Fatty Biltong

Our Chipotle Fatty Biltong is nothing short of a crowd favorite, a flavour that perfectly complements our quality beef. When you first rip open the bag you get hit with a smokey aroma. On your first chew that smokiness moves to the back of your mouth while the classic Chipotle sweetness shines through. A touch of spice dances on the tongue as you chew through it.
A bit of salt and pepper makes itself known at the end of your bite. The creaminess of the fat cap spreads around your mouth and is an absolute treat. All tender, not one bit of gristle. Check out the coating on each piece! This is a well-seasoned, impressive slice of Fatty Biltong.

Beef Chiefs Chipotle recipe is nothing short of a flavour explosion and when paired with our quality Fatty Biltong you’ll think you’ve died and gone to beefy heaven!

We rate our Chipotle Fatty Biltong 2/10 for heat.

Smokey, tangy, classic Chipotle blend. No joke this flavour is UNREAL - get a chew and find out!



Our Fatty Biltong is like nothing you've tried before. Completely and utterly indulgent.. like flying first class but for your taste buds!

Beef Chief's Fatty Biltong is EVEN SOFTER than our regular Biltong. With our Fatty Biltong the buttery and creamy fat is kept on the meat when prepped, marinated and dried. Delicately soft, delicious and rich. Full on flavours coat your mouth while the beef and spices come to life!

Fatty Biltong is TENDER - it chews easier than our beef jerky; our crafted drying process leaves each slice very chewable and moreish.

Fatty Biltong starts life as large chunks of topside beef. The outside is generously seasoned the meat hung and left to dry.  As the beef dries, the thickness of the beef allows the inside to remain soft and tender - the opposite to beef jerky. Beef Chief's Fatty Biltong is sliced ready-to-eat, so you can stick your hand in and smash the entire bag without any delays.

Beef Chief's Fatty Biltong is not only ridiculously tasty, its also extremely versatile. It can be eaten on its own as a snack, diced up into casseroles/stews, thrown on top of a home made pizza, stirred through some 2 minute noodles, throw a handful into a salad to BEEF it up or added to toasted sangas and charcuterie boards!

Beef Chief offer a damn good flavoursome chew to each piece. We take great care when making our Fatty Biltong - so you get to indulge into the best Biltong ever.